Archives - Harry Tenney comments on the Ryan Budget
March 2013
Letters to the Editor: Harry Tenney comments on the Ryan Budget
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There have been few times in the past 85 years where the kooks, loonies and fanatics managed to get a hold of the wheel steering the "ship of state." Though infrequent, the results were, almost without exception, economic and social disaster for the United States, and, eventually, the world.

Perhaps the worst period in this approximate time span was something that could be called the Harding-Coolidge-Hoover succession. A time when the usual mantra of the conservatives was "Austerity and Balanced Budgets" ... their legacy was the Great Depression. Herbert Hoover managed to balance the budget!

Now there is the item known as the "Paul Ryan budget." It is as if economic history in the nation began on January 20, 2009. It is more like history turned upside down.

The Ryan budget can only be called a redux of the economic disaster preceding the 1930s Draconian cuts in spending while the early version of trickle down (read tax cuts for the rich) was thought to be the cure-all for the nation's ills.

It is impossible to think of any legislation more onerous for the health of our economy than the "budget" proposed by Representative Ryan.

Understandably, the fear gripping many Republicans is that of being "primaried." The fanatics of the Tea Party for example will not focus on anything that will in anyway enhance revenue or borrow and spend to finance badly needed infrastructure projects, putting millions back to work. Those that "stray" will face one of their "true believer" opponents of the O'Donnell, Akin, Mourdock or Angle stripe, almost guaranteeing the loss of a congressional seat.

They lack anything resembling an historical perspective or that of savvy business practices totally escapes their purview.

The palpable hatred of the president also occludes their ability to see much beyond the tips of their noses!

Hopefully those who voted in favor of the "Ryan Budget" did so for "cover" hoping the cooler heads in the Senate will not support this extremism.

Harry Tenney (Electronic mail, March 21, 2013)

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