Archives - Charlottesville Council Primary Results
June 2013
Virginia Elections 2013: Charlottesville Council Primary Results
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Precinct Adam S. Lees Melvin A. Grady Wes J. Bellamy Kristin E. Szakos Bob F. Fenwick, Jr. TOTALS
##Central Absentee 18 61 82 124 63 348
#Provisional         5 5
101 - RECREATION 51 120 182 249 214 816
102 - CLARK 46 75 140 174 134 569
201 - CARVER 11 119 138 117 91 476
202 - WALKER 66 157 184 259 276 942
301 - BENJAMIN TONSLER 10 91 151 123 54 429
302 - JOHNSON 31 89 110 133 137 500
303 - BUFORD 10 29 25 49 33 146
401 - VENABLE 8 13 15 20 9 65
402 - ALUMNI HALL 15 44 61 122 77 319
TOTAL 266 798 1088 1370 1093 4615
Results provided by the Virginia State Board of Elections

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