Archives - Uriah Fields offers a song of praise for Obama's re-election
November 2012
Letters to the Editor: Uriah Fields offers a song of praise for Obama's re-election
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These lyrics may be recited aloud or sung according to how you feel when you say them aloud.

Victory for Obama and America
Obama is Still the One

O- bam- a has been scan- dal- ized and
as- saul- ted__
by fiend- ish id- e- o- logues;
His char- ac- ter and
A- mer- i- can cit- i- zen- ship have
been ques- tion- ed.
They done tried to make him stop
fight- in', stop lov- in', stop lead- in',
-- But we all can see, "He's still the one."

Now that he has been re- e- lect- ed
to serve an- oth- er
four years as the Pres- i- dent
of the U- nit- ed
States he's gon- na shine bright- er for us
than the North Star.
They done tried to make him be
an- gry, be venge- ful, be fee- ble
-- But we all can see, "He's still the one."

O- bam- a we trust you and be- lieve
in jus- tice for all
just as you do and we pledge
a- new our sup- port
to help move A- mer- i- ca to- ward
jus- tice for all.
They done tried to make him stop
fight- in', stop lov- in', stop lead- in',
-- |: But we all can see, "He still the one." :|

Copyright 2012 by Uriah J. Fields
(Electronic mail, November 9, 2012)

Comments? Questions? Write me at