Archives - Rey Barry asks Why was Charlottesville turnout not higher?
November 2012
Letters to the Editor: Rey Barry asks Why was Charlottesville turnout not higher?
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These are disturbing numbers. With everyone nagged by telephone calls 243 times, the turn out should be higher. We need a post election telephone survey of registered voters who didn't vote to learn why.

Charlottesville Registered Voters:
        . 2012:   33,140
        . 2008:   28,678

        . 21,627 voters cast ballots this year, for a 65% turnout.
        . In 2008, 20,122 cast ballots, for a 70% turnout.
        . Obama votes 2012:  16,267
        . Obama votes 2008: 15,705

Percentage for Democratic candidates:
        Obama:      75.6%   (2008=78.2%)
        Kaine:      78.3%   (2008/Warner=83.7%)
        Douglass:   73%     (2008/Perriello=80.3%)

Rey Barry (Electronic mail, November 9, 2012)

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