Archives - Libertarians Nominate Gary Johnson for President, Jim Gray for Vice-President
May 2012
2012 Race for the White House: Libertarians Nominate Gary Johnson for President, Jim Gray for Vice-President
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Press Release

Gary Johnson, former two-term governor of New Mexico, is the Libertarian Party's 2012 presidential candidate. He and Jim Gray, former California superior court judge and author, received the presidential and vice presidential nominations, respectively, during the Party's national convention in Las Vegas on May 5.

"We are pleased to have such a great ticket," said JAL Chair John Munchmeyer, who served as a delegate from Virginia at the convention. "Governor Johnson and Judge Gray provide the American people a fresh choice this November. Whereas Mr. Obama and Mr. Romney represent big government, high taxes, irresponsible levels of spending, massive regulation, non-stop military intervention around the world, and the diminution of freedom here at home, the Libertarian ticket offers true individual liberty, personal responsibility, and Constitutionally limited government."

Mr. Munchmeyer noted, "Our petition drive is now in full swing. Due to restrictive ballot access laws, the Libertarian Party of Virginia must gather 10,000 petition signatures of Virginia voters by August 24 to place the Libertarian ticket on the ballot this fall."

He also congratulated JAL Secretary Jim Lark on his receiving the 2012 Thomas Paine Award at the convention. The award recognizes outstanding communication of Libertarian ideas. Dr. Lark, a former national LP chairman and current Secretary of the JAL, is the only person to have received all three of the Party's awards (the Samuel Adams, Thomas Paine, and Thomas Jefferson Awards).

For more information about the JAL and the petition drive, please contact John Munchmeyer at or (540) 256-4215 (cell). For information about the LP and the Johnson-Gray ticket, please visit and

(May 18, 2012)

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