As expected, Brig. Gen John Douglass (USAF Ret.) has announced his decision to seek the nomination to run for Congress. Here's an excerpt:
"This is the right thing to do because my Fauquier County farm, now part of Virginia's 5th, is where my wife and I are raising my two boys, where our family worships. We all know that we need a Democrat in the 5th now more than ever. For two years now, the 5th District has been hurt by the sort of politics that seeks to divide Americans and shift more and more power to the corporations and Wall Street interests that control our Congress. The pre-recession mindset of the anti-reform fringe would take us down the path to economic disaster again. For two years, our district has been hurt, and we're here to help Virginia families get a fair chance at a better future."
The full announcement may be viewed here http://www.johndouglassforcongress.com/about/meet-john-douglass
Lt. Col. Peyton Williams, Jr. (US Army Ret.) is also running. The nominee will be selected at a convention to be held May 19 in Lovingston. Delegates to the convention will come from the 25 localities in the Fifth District, to be selected at local caucuses in late April.
(Dave Sagarin, March 7, 2012)