Archives - E. Krieger says that what Obama is doing will help African-Americans
December 2012
Letters to the Editor: E. Krieger says that what Obama is doing will help African-Americans
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I fully understand that "white privilege" is what has held African Americans back for many, many's time to move forward. There's nothing that can be done to erase the history of blacks in America. Blacks have been treated horribly in this country. Most people acknowledge this and most people feel badly about it. It's also acknowledged that as a group, blacks continue to experience the negative effects of that horrible treatment in many ways.

But our President has to have the leeway necessary to balance all of the issues facing Americans today. African Americans are included in that number of "all Americans". So, should he focus on blacks? No. President Obama is the President for ALL of the people, not just African Americans. Would he focus on blacks? I think not. Our President is a "global thinker", and I can't imagine his focusing on just one group. Could he focus on blacks? Yes, I suppose he could... if he chose to,...but there are too many other minority groups in this country, too many impoverished people... and the President's approach HAS to be all encompassing.

I believe that his from-the-bottom-up approach is the right way to go. His emphasis on having the rich pay a little more, improving the delivery of health care/coverage and strengthening the middle class will allow folks from lower income levels to gain health/strength to move up and middle class people will be able to sustain the gains they've made...and move up. The outcome from these efforts....a healthier public and stronger economy...will ultimately impact all Americans.

And you know what? Americans have a responsibility here, too. Each individual should make a commitment to do their part as well by being honest, adhering to the laws, not abusing benefits of any kind, caring about and supporting one another, staying healthy, educating children well, becoming participating/contributing members of society in whatever ways are available to us, respecting one another. Employers should not have to be forced to pay living wage salaries or provide basic health protections to their workers. Profits will be the reality because good health and happiness increases productivity of all people in all industries.

I believe that if we all get behind the President and do our will be a win-win for all Americans and for all African Americans, in the long run.

E. Krieger (Electronic mail, December 6, 2012)

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