Archives - Rich Collins comments on Eisenhower
January 2011
Letters to the Editor: Rich Collins comments on Eisenhower
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I would add to Harry Tenney's submission of Ike's statement on the military-industrial complex that as we've learned more about those days, Eisenhower was often the only stalwart in resisting the constant pressures to "close the missile gap" and to torpedo the Kruschevv-Eisenhower meeting in Paris and Ike's visit to Russia.

I was in the Air Force-NSA loop in the 50's and had a midget's perspective on some of the Cold War provocations that we initiated. I recommend a new book entitled "The Spy's Bridge" for a revealing story about the U.2 shootdown and the collapse of the nuclear agreemnt that appeared imminent.

If I'd have known then what I know now, I probably would've voted for Ike.

Rich Collins (Electronic mail, January 25, 2011)

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