Archives - Harry Tenney accuses Rep. Hurt of hypocrisy on Medicare
August 2011
Letter to Rep. Hurt: Harry Tenney accuses Rep. Hurt of hypocrisy on Medicare
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George, did you see his mailing defending Medicare for seniors?

Dear Congressman Hurt,

So now you are a champion for Medicare? Do your Tea Party cohorts in the Congress know this?

I truly think your recent mailing defending Medicare against Obama wishing to weaken it, smacks of typical right wing hypocrisy better known as talking out of both sides of your mouth!

All I have heard from your fellow travelers is a constant war of words against Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid!

Why your change of heart? Could it be an election is coming in 2012?

I would also ask, when should the Federal government's budget be in balance? After a major attack on the United States, an unforeseen natural disaster akin to the tsunami in Japan?

Think of what we'd be doing if a balanced budget was required after December 7,1941--our treasury was empty and to fight the three axis powers of Nazi Germany, fascist Italy and Imperialistic, militaristic Japan required a deficit of five TRILLION in today's dollars. Without this debt it would have been impossible for the United States to fight and defeat all three agressors and emerge as the strongest economic and military power on the planet. Without the ability to run a huge deficit, you might be saying "Sieg Heil" today and be speaking German or Japanese!

I just wish the day would come again when the Republican party would be a party of moderation and progressivity, instead of a party of extremists who use, for example, religion as a weapon in their arsenal and announce their main focus is to make the president a "one termer'(see senate minority leader Mitch McConnell's words on this subject)

Harry Tenney (Electronic mail, August 17, 2011)

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