Archives - Rich Collins says Cuccinelli is not smart enough to have started the climate witchhunt
May 2010
Letters to the Editor: Rich Collins says Cuccinelli is not smart enough to have started the climate witchhunt
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[Regarding Attorney General Cuccinelli's pursuit of emvironmental science documents at UVa]

In my view, former Environmental Science professor and state climatologist Patrick Michaels strikes back. Cucchinelli is not smart enough, nor knowledgeable enough, to cook up this ploy. Pat Michaels is.

Rich Collins (Electronic mail, May 21, 2010)

ps: His most recent book, co-authored with Robert C. Balling Jr., is entitled Climate of Extremes : Global Science They Don't Want You to Know (Cato Institute, Washington, D.C. 2009). In this book Michaels writes of his admiration for Governors Allen, Gilmore and even Warner's staff if not Warner himself. But he dedicates the book to Governor Kaine as one of the Governors who has put a gag-order on "science." Michaels asks a rhetorical question: What is so scary to Governors about scientists opposing global warming? He answers. "The world is not coming to an end because of global warming. Further, we don't really have the means to significantly alter the temperature trajectory of the planet."

Editor's note: see also Michaels Not So Credible After All which offers considerable detail about Michaels' background and attacks him for long-term energy-industry funding of his research and consulting. And a few years ago, Bob Gibson wrote about Michaels political connections Kaine, UVa differ on climatologist.

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