Out the Clock-Social Agenda, the Budget, and the End of Session
Toscano Update from the General Assembly-March 10, 2010
We are rapidly approaching the final day of the 2010 General Assembly Session,
scheduled for March 13, 2010. It now appears likely that we will not have
a budget by the adjournment date. Education funding continues to be a major
issue of contention and one which has significant implications for Charlottesville
and Albemarle. I voted against the House budget because it will cut Charlottesville's
funding by 35.5% and Albemarle's funding by 14.7%. The Senate budget is
far better for each jurisdiction. You can read more at the Community Voice
Blog, here.
While my attention has focused primarily on the budget, I continue to be
concerned about efforts by Attorney General Cuccinelli to promote a conservative
political agenda using taxpayer funds. First, he took issue with the scientific
consensus that climate change is enhanced by human activity, and indicated
that he will sue to stop the federal government from protecting our environment.
I participated in a press conference with the League of Conservation Voters
and other environmental advocates to condemn his intended lawsuit against
the federal Environmental Protection Agency, challenging its authority to
regulate the greenhouse gases that are the principle cause of global climate
change. (You can see a video of that press conference here).
This week, Cuccinelli sent a letter to Virginia's public institutions of
higher learning, instructing them to rescind their policies which ban discrimination
on the basis of sexual orientation. The Attorney General's letter states
that Virginia public colleges and universities do not have "proper
authority" to enact nondiscrimination policies without express approval
from the state legislature. Cuccinelli claims that inserting "sexual
orientation" into universities' policies creates a new protected class
of people, not permitted under state law. Some, including the Richmond Times-Dispatch
editorial page, note that because "sexual orientation" refers
to both homosexuals and heterosexuals, the policies do not in fact create
a favored class. Others argue that it is both unusual and inappropriate
for the Attorney General to issue legal opinions without first being asked
for them.
There are many good reasons to be concerned about the Attorney General's
letter. First, Virginia has worked hard to become known as the Best State
for Business. To recruit the best companies in an environment that supports
discrimination is problematic. Northrop Grumman is considering locating
its headquarters in Virginia; it presently has a nondiscrimination policy.
The top ten employers in Virginia have similar policies. How will these
companies react to the Attorney General's approach?
Second, the success of our universities relies on our ability to recruit
and retain students and faculty to a welcoming environment that is open
and safe. Beyond that, university accreditation agencies require non-discrimination
policies to be in place. Even Liberty University has such a policy. The
Cuccinelli letter will likely discourage students from applying to our universities
and may compromise accreditation.
Third, the Attorney General's position is legally problematic. The state
and its universities are still bound by federal constitutional law not to
discriminate based on sexual orientation under the equal protection clause
of the 14th amendment. The Supreme Court, in Quinn v. Nassau County Police
Department (1999), Weaver v. Nebo School District (2002), and Glover v.
Williamsburg Local School District Board of Education (1998), has repeatedly
held that public employees may not be discriminated against on the basis
of sexual orientation. The court has also held that students in public schools
are protected against such discrimination.
Fourth, the Attorney General's position is simply unfair and wrong. In a
society which seeks to reward merit and performance, people should be judged
on the content of their character.
Thankfully, last night Governor McDonnell issued an Executive Directive
which effectively overrules the Attorney General's letter. He cited the
protections under the 14th amendment and ordered that discrimination in
public employment would not be tolerated. He did not rescind or change his
earlier nondiscrimination Executive Order, which did not include sexual
orientation. And, if the only way to do that is through legislation, as
the Governor and Attorney General contend, I hope the Governor will send
down legislation to do so, with his support. Nonetheless, the Governor's
action should be applauded as a step in the right direction.
I was a co-patron of HB 1116, the House counterpart to SB 66, which would
bar discrimination in public employment based on sexual orientation. We
have made many attempts to get a debate on this issue before the House.
In each instance, the House majority has prevented the debate by parliamentary
maneuvers. We should have this debate in an open and honest fashion, so
our constituents will know where we stand.
Of the 26 bills I introduced this Session, 13 have now passed both the House
and the Senate and, barring unforeseen circumstances, will be signed into
law by the Governor. As I have detailed in the previous posts, these bills
included measures to protect entrepreneurs who are investing in renewable
energy, bring greater opportunities for adoption, improve our abilities
to vote absentee in the Commonwealth, and enhance options for persons who
seek to remediate problems with their dams.
Many of these bills were generated in response to inquiries from citizens
like you, and I appreciated all of the support you have given me in getting
them drafted and passed.
When I return to Charlottesville in the next week, I hope to engage the
community in City/County collaboration and am more than willing to speak
with any local group who seeks to be informed about the General Assembly
and the critical issues facing our regions and the Commonwealth. As always,
it is an honor to represent the 57th District.
(Electronic mail, March 11, 2010)