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A recent campaign mailing piece from the Democratic Party of Virginia reiterates themes that Cynthia Neff has made consistently, in her race against incumbent Republican Rob Bell in the 58th House District. That his votes in the General Assembly should be viewed as counter to the best interests of his constituents. Neff is not mentioned. The tag line is "Vote No on Rob Bell." It is not the substance of the argument that has caused controversy, but the frame. Bell is accused of behaving like a cheating husband sending flowers: "he acts like a nice guy at home, but he cheats on us in Richmond." Bell has responded in a fund-raising email that plays off the piece, calling it a "doozy" of an attack ad. In an interview, he called it a sign of desperation. The Charlottesville Daily Progress, in an editorial, goes further, calling it "one of the most reprehensible political pieces we've seen in a long time." Mike McCall, Neff's campaign manager, defends the mailing piece. He says that it is deceptive of Bell to send letters of congratulation on school achievements while "voting against teacher pay raises and to cut money from early-childhood education." ![]() ![]() (Dave Sagarin, October 23, 2009)