Archives - Local Support for Perriello
November 2009
Seen Around Town: Local Support for Perriello
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After months of contentious national debate on reform to various aspects of the health care system in America, a bill was approved by the House of Representatives last Saturday evening. The bill, HR 3962, is called the Affordable Health Care for America Act. The vote was 220 to 215, and Virginia Fifth District Representative Tom Perriello was an 'Aye.'

Perriello held 21 'Town Hall' meetings arouind the District during the summer, listening and answering constituents' concerns on all sides of the issue. In the buildup to the vote, there was pressure from those favoring the bill, those favoring a stronger bill, and those opposed. Much of the opposition to the Democratic legislation was coordinated by a lobbying group, Americans for Prosperity, and their local TEA (Taxed Enough Already) organizations. These groups were incited to shout down attempts at explanation or discussion of the issues at meetings around the U.S., but Perriello experienced little of this.

On Friday, November 6, with the vote scheduled for the following day, a rally was held at the District office in Charlottesville, to show support for a Yes vote from Perriello, and to demonstrate a commitment to support him following such a vote.

Constituents Lobby Tom Perriello's District Director Ridge Schuyler (left) to Support Health Care Reform, Charlottesville, Virginia, November 6, 2009.

On Monday several groups held quickly-scheduled 'Thank you Tom' meetings at the office.

David RePass, Francis Fife, Nancy O'Brien, Don Wells and Russ Linden thank Perriello for his vote on Health Care, Charlottesville, Virginia, November 9, 2009

The opposition was quick to vilify the vote in harsh terms. Virginia Senator Bob Hurt, R-Chatham, a leading contender to oppose Perriello in next year's election [see full list of announced candidates, below], issued a statement critical of Perriello’s vote. He said that in the town hall meetings this summer "Central and Southside Virginians expressed opposition to a government takeover of health care." This writer attended one of those meetings, and has spoken with attendees at a number of others. My clear impression is that many, and possibly most, of the comments at these meetings endorsed significant change, and signs or comments opposing 'government takeover' were in a distinct minority.

In his statement, Hurt calls the bill “a devastating blow to our economy at just the wrong time." He continues, "With job losses continuing to mount, Congressman Perriello voted to raise taxes on small businesses. With seniors getting squeezed, he voted to slash Medicare benefits. With Virginians working harder for less, he voted to give taxpayer-funded health care benefits to illegal immigrants. Because of our congressman’s actions, one-sixth of our economy may be subject to government control....”

These comments follow the general outline of opposition voiced elsewhere, and are countered by Perriello in his statement (see box) and in more detail here.

Demostrations against the legislation and Perriello's vote, organized by TEA at the instigation of AFP, were held outside Perriello's District offices in Martinsville and then Danville Monday morning. According to Fifth District Regional Director Kimble Reynolds, there were some 75 to 100 people--some from the bus, some local--at each of these events. Speakers addressed the issues, the crowd was sedate, and each event lasted perhaps half an hour. The speaker explained the benefits of writing letters-to-the-editor (be polite, keep it short), and other speakers reinforced the central theme--too much government.

The Bus in question, or one much like it. Photo: Healthcare HorseRace blog

A Charlottesville demonstration against the legislation and against Perriello and his vote is planned for Tuesday, November 10, at 10:00 a.m. at the District Office, 313 Second Street SE. A counter demonstration is also planned. The concern of the counter-demonstrators is not just to diminish the impact of the Americans for Prosperity, but to start organizing to generate support throughout what will obviously be a long, difficult re-election campaign.

(Dave Sagarin, November 9, 2009)

Statement by Rep Perriello

Whether for or against health care reform, most people in the district asked me to fight for deficit reduction, a fair shake for rural doctors, and no federal funding for abortions. I helped to score major victories on all three fronts. Today’s vote on health care legislation came down to a simple choice for me: do we sit back and let premiums skyrocket for middle-class families and small businesses, and watch the cost of prescription drugs bankrupt seniors and the cost of health care bankrupt the federal government? Or do we take this step today to support middle-class families and small businesses by encouraging competition to bring down premiums?

The time to act is now, because Virginians deserve a competitive health care market. They deserve access to affordable health care, and they deserve better choices when purchasing insurance.

Our work on this bill is not over. As health care legislation advances through Congress, I will work with my colleagues in the Senate to push for better inter-state competition. But I am proud of the changes I fought for. After hearing from my constituents during over 100 hours of town hall meetings in August, and by continuing those conversations in the months since, I worked to include their ideas in the bill, pushing for legislation that now protect Medicare, ensure deficit neutrality, encourage wellness and preventive care, and protect small businesses.

We can–and should–have the best health care system in the world. I am proud to support this profound shift away from the status quo towards progress and better, cheaper health care for more Americans.

(November 7, 2009)

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