Archives - Duelling Rallies at Perriello's District Office
November 2009
Direct Action: Duelling Rallies at Perriello's District Office
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The "Americans for Prosperity" tour of the Fifth Congressional District rolled into Charlottesville on Tuesday, November 10. Setting up shop in front of their bus, organizers gave speeches and signed up adherents in opposition to Rep. Perriello and the House health care reform bill, passed with his vote last Saturday. Leading the rally was Ben Marchi, Virginia state director for AFP.

Among the speakers against reform was Tito Munoz, who gained a place in Sarah Palin's Vice-Presidential campaign as 'Tito the Builder,' paralleling 'Joe the Plumber.'

The bus visited Martinsville, Danville and Farmville on Monday.

A group of local supporters of Rep. Perriello and healthcare reform were present as well. Michael Snook and his father, Lloyd only learned Sunday of the planned rally, and sent emails to their personal lists, requesting turnout by supporters of the Congressman and of his vote on the measure.

Roughly 200 people milled about, with the numbers for each side difficult to determine.

(Dave Sagarin, November 11, 2009)

The signup table for Americans for Prosperity, Charlottesville, Virginia, November 10, 2009

Counter-protesters supporting Tom Perriello, Charlottesville, Virginia, November 10, 2009

Perriello supporters included Dick Koepsell, Cynthia Neff, Nancy O'Brien, Sherry Kraft and Lloyd Snook

Tito Munoz (Tito the Builder) addresses the rally, Taking his picture is former Albemarle Republican Chair Keith Drake.

Speakers opposing Tom Perriello included Albemarle surgeon Dr. Clara Belle Wheeler, left, and Barboursville TEA member William Hay.

Albemarle Supervisor (and candidate for the Republican nomination to run for Congress in the Fifth District next year) Ken Boyd

Ken Boyd (white hair, left), Keith Drake (blazer, camera), Rob Schilling (taking photo), Charlottesville, Virginia, November 10, 2009

The Americans for Prosperity bus, Charlottesville, Virginia, November 10, 2009

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