Archives - Harry Tenney Deplores Republican Continuation of Bush Administration Mentality
May 2009
Letters to the Editor: Harry Tenney Deplores Republican Continuation of Bush Administration Mentality
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It is either the United States of America, as embodied in our Declaration of Independence and Constitution, or the world of Cheney where laws are "decorations" to be put away in times of crisis and an "anything goes" mentality of the likes of John Yoo, David Addington or Jay Bybee justifying every nightmare and horror the "bad guys" justification to return the favor to American captives.

Afterall.Bush called the Constitution,"just a piece of paper".

Much of the pleasure these creeps derived from torture was sadism, pure and simple.

The experts who were able to garner REAL intelligence didn't resort to water-boarding (considered torture by the United States and the rest of the civilized world since the Inquisition).

Maybe one day the Republican party can rise from the flames of this aberration of the Right Wing fascist body snatchers and once again fly the banner of the GOP with honor.

Cheney should return to his cave along with other mad dogs of our times to the sounds of crashing organ music!

Harry Tenney (Electronic mail, May 22, 2009)

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