Archives - Jan Cornell Says Republicans Did Not Keep America Safe
May 2009
Letters to the Editor: Jan Cornell Says Republicans Did Not Keep America Safe
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I'd just like to add to Mr. Repass' most excellent post with which I agree on all points.

The one huge fact that seems to be constantly left out of all of this 9/11, torture, Gitmo discussion is 9/11 happened on THEIR watch. Not Clinton's, not Obama's. GEORGE BUSH did not keep us safe. I find it laughable that Dick Cheney is out on his magical mystery tour bragging about how all their policies kept us safe.

Nancy Pelosi didn't torture anyone--in fact, something that is hardly mentioned either, she wasn't even in charge at the time. The REPUBLICANS were in the majority until 2006. The disgraced, ousted former majority leader Newt wants Pelosi to step down? I think not.

If the democrats are so timid and scared to get out there and hammer these two important facts over and over and over then we are in more trouble than we thought.

As we all should remember on this Memorial Day, George Bush and Dick Cheney are responsible for the deaths of over 7,000 Americans-3,000 on 9/11 and 4,200 in Iraq and Afghanistan- because the buck stops at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Jan Cornell (Electronic mail, May 22, 2009)

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