Archives - Harry Tenney Says There Must Be A Reckoning
March 2009
Letters to the Editor: Harry Tenney Says There Must Be A Reckoning
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The crimes of the Bush Administration--from lying us into a needless obscene war at both an enormous cost of life, limb and treasure to the justification for "shredding" the Constitution in the name of the "war on terror"--while in the meantime keeping the American people in constant fear with "yellow, orange and red" alerts and at the same time not only "robbing the goose from the common" but "robbing the common from under the goose"

Just the thought of the United States of America and the unspeakable word "torture" used in the same sentence brings back the blood curdling thought of the Third Reich.

Cost-plus no-bid contracts, enrichment of corporate and individual crooks, outsourcing a war to a cadre of buddies and financial supporters like Blackwater, Halliburton, etc. Billions of taxpayers dollars are gone or unaccounted for in Iraq. Documents shredded, missing E-mails, deliberate undermining of government agencies. There is apparently no end to the corruption and evidence of malignant neglect.

The indictment of the Bush Gang should truly be a "slam dunk."

The entire nation--no, the entire world--is suffering the aftermath of eight years of, in military parlance, "failure to repair." Better: deliberate malfeasance.

From the outset, GW Bush was seen as the willing puppet of the Right Wing enablers, the lineup from Cheney to (Starving the Beast) Grover Norquist was with one goal, making a permanent party of oligarchs and letting the equivalent of modern "serfs" do the heavy lifting of fighting useless, but profitable "pre-emptive" wars, while at the same time, bearing an increasingly heavy burden of taxes and responsibility.

I am one American who has had it up to here with a seemingly endless nightmare of eight long years of Bush & Co. and to think there will be absolutely no reckoning or accountability only perpetuates that nightmare!

I am mindful of President Obama's dilemma, he has inherited a "house on fire" and priority one is to put out that fire, but to say, bringing up the past will be too disruptive is not acceptable.

History requires it.

Fortunately, the majority of Americans agree.

Harry Tenney (Electronic mail, March 9, 2009)

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