Archives - July 15 Campaign Finance Reports for 58th House District
July 2009
2009 Virginia 58th District Delegates Race: July 15 Campaign Finance Reports for 58th House District
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For the reporting period May 28 through June 30, 2009


in Period

in Period

 On Hand
July 1

 Total Raised

 Neff (D)





 Bell (R)





Challenger Cynthia Neff listed 123 donors in all. Her largest contribution was $10,000 from the Road Back PAC.

Incumbent Rob Bell, with 157 donors during the month, got $10,000 or so from Douglas E. Caton; Fort Hill Partners and Ted Weschler of Peninsula Capital Advisers. Richard B. Gilliam Sr., of Cumberland Resources (coal mining) gave $20,000, bringing his total contributions to $30,000.

(Dave Sagarin, July 17, 2009)

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