Archives - July 15 Campaign Finance Reports for Council and Sheriff
July 2009
2009 Charlottesville Elections: July 15 Campaign Finance Reports for Council and Sheriff
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Reports for Period May 28 - June 30, 2009

City Council Candidates



On Hand

Total Raised
This Cycle
 Dave Norris (D)

 $ 333

 $ 206

$ 494

$ 7,947

 Kristin Szakos (D)

$ 383

$ 840

$ 965

$ 4,760

 Andrew Williams (I)

Not posted

Not posted

Not posted

$ 335

 Bob Fenwick (I)

 $ 0

 $ 0

$ 0

$ 0

Sheriff Candidates Contributions Expenditures On Hand

Total Raised
This Cycle
James Brown (D)

 $ 416

 $ 92

$ 466

$ 16,120

Paul Best (I)

 $ 2,095

 $ 1,155

$ 1,231

$ 2,386


Filings for local office are made to the registrar of that locality, who then reports to the Virginia Public Access Project. Reports for offices including more than one locality are made to the State Board of Elections.

(Dave Sagarin, July 17, 2009)

Updated July 29, 2009

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