Archives - NAACP Outraged by Cartoon
February 2009
Race Matters: NAACP Outraged by Cartoon
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Virginia State Conference NAACP Statement on the New York Post Editorial Cartoon and Attorney General Eric Holder's Comments on Race

The Virginia State Conference NAACP is incensed and outraged over the New York Post editorial cartoon portraying President Barack Obama as a dead or dying chimpanzee that was shot by two police officers with blood pouring out onto the sidewalk. The caption of the cartoon stated, “we will have to get someone else to write the next stimulus check.” It is unconscionable, unfathomable and unacceptable that an outrageous portrayal such as this goes unchallenged.

The question needs to be asked, “If this was a portrayal of any European American President of the past, would it be viewed as morally unacceptable? It would never have happened and if it had the artist would have been subject to federal prosecution and termination. This cartoon offends the NAACP and should be found offensive by all citizens of this country. It sends a subliminal message that all people of African descent are equated with monkeys, chimpanzees and gorillas. Another ominous message is that the “wild chimpanzee President should be handled like the chimp that. ran amok!” We are outraged.

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder remarked that the U.S. is “a nation of cowards” on race relations and is “voluntarily socially segregated.” He further stated that most citizens refuse to even discuss race. This statement is truly reflective of the nation but is very applicable to Virginia. Many Virginians continue to fight as if the Civil War has not ended. Many Virginians live in the “51st State,” the “State of Denial.” They deny that race is even a factor in life in America. Many call this time the “post-racial era.” Nothing could be further from the truth.

The New York Post should be held accountable for its actions. Editors and the artist have vilified the Rev. Al Sharpton for addressing the cartoon and have announced that they will not apologize to anyone for publishing this abomination. The Virginia State Conference NAACP goes on record that this editorial cartoon is unconscionable, unfathomable and unacceptable. This depiction is racist, dangerous and possibly criminal in nature. The New York Post should be dealt with by the people of New York and those of good will around the world. Those who have subscriptions should cancel them and others should demonstrate outside of its main office until the offending parties have been sanctioned. This abomination should make U.S. citizens less “cowardly” in dealing with the issue of race! While the NAACP commemorates its 100th year, the issue of race remains of paramount importance in this country.

(Electronic Mail, February 25, 2009)

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