Archives - Toscano Update from General Assembly - December 14, 2009
December 2009
Virginia 57th House District: Toscano Update from General Assembly - December 14, 2009
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The 2010 General Assembly session convenes for its 60-day session, on January 13, 2010. This next session will undoubtedly be focused on the state of the economy and how we can best address the projected shortfall in revenue. While Virginia has not experienced as significant a downturn as other states, the recession has hurt us greatly.

Since the 2008-10 budget was first introduced in December 2007, cumulative revenue shortfalls have totaled approximately $6.3 billion. This has forced the legislature and the Governor to make a series of cuts that have had differing impacts on services. To balance our next two-year budget, it is projected that we will need an additional $2.9 billion from spending reductions, revenue enhancements, or both. This week, Governor Kaine will submit what he has referred to as an "austere" budget. To date, budget cuts have largely spared K-12 education, but it is not clear if that protection will be extended in this budget or in Governor-elect McDonnell's revised budget that he will introduce in January.

Virginia families and businesses have been forced to reduce their spending to make ends meet, and the Commonwealth of Virginia will need to do the same. In making these cuts, however, we need to remain focused on our priorities.

I will do all I can to preserve K-12 educational funding and higher education funding as I think these investments are critical to the future success of our Commonwealth.

Beyond the budget challenges, I am considering approximately 30 bills for possible introduction. The bills focus on the following areas:

1. Local government initiatives that have been requested by Albemarle and Charlottesville.
2. Several bills designed to increase the use of renewable energy in the Commonwealth.
3. Foster care and adoption reform.
4. Constituent-specific bills these are as wide-ranging as dam safety to local food production.
5. A bill to prohibit discrimination in public employment based on sexual orientation.

Your input is critically helpful to me as we approach the session. Please take my constituent survey by going to my website, and Answering the questions gives me a better idea of what you deem to be important. I hope you will also forward this email to others who you think may be interested in what is happening in the state.

As always, it is a pleasure representing you in the General Assembly.

Contact Info
As always, I appreciate hearing your thoughts and concerns about legislative matters. Please call the Charlottesville office at (434)220-1660, send emails to or send letters to David Toscano, 211 E. High St, Charlottesville, VA 22902.

(Electronic mail, December 14, 2009)

Comments? Questions? Write me at