the latter stages of the recent pleasantness much punditry was devoted to
predictions of the eventual outcome. Here are the final predictions a nuber
of of the best known, with a red bar indicating the actual result. Note
that Professor Sabato at the UVa Center for Politics was just one electoral
vote off, calling for 364 Electoral Votes, but since he made no prediction
about the popular vote outcome, humorist Bill Maher came closest overall.
Popular Vote (%)
Electoral Vote
Who are these people?
- Fred Barnes is executive editor of The Weekly Standard
- Chris Cillizza is a political reporter for the Washington Post
- Eleanor Clift is a columnist for Newsweek
- Erick Erickson spreads cheer at Red State
- Arianna Huffington is the founder of the Huffington Post
- Morton Kondracke is the executive editor of Roll Call
- Bill Maher is a political humorist
- Charles Mahtesian is Politicos national politics editor
- Tom Mann studies national politics for the Brookings Institution
- Chris Matthews is with MSNBC
- Ed Morrissey's blog is Hot Air
- Markos Moulitsas blogs at the Daily Kos
- Ed Rollins is a Republican campaign consultant
- Larry Sabato is Director of the UVa Center for Politics
- Nate Silver is the founder of FiveThirtyEight.com
- Juan Williams is a Senior Correspondent for NPR News
David RePass, on October 21, issued a prediction of the electoral vote
that is more nuanced than those included in the chart: Sure Obama 286, Likely
Obama 43, Toss Up 46, Sure McCain 163.
(Dave Sagarin, November 10, 2008)