Archives - Joe Clancy Comments on Obama Speech
March 2008
Letters to the Editor: Joe Clancy Comments on Obama Speech
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Dear George,

If Mr. Obama gains the nomination this speech will surely be seen as a defining moment.

The speech is historic when viewed in the context of modern day politics. Even heroic: A leader overcoming adversity, despite great odds.

It was anti-spin and anti-sound bite and very clear .

The adversity, a very real one, is the tide of public opinion and which could be splintered and divided in a reactionary way by the proliferation of information .

To use polarizing reaction to frame the context of greater intent was a decision which has no parallel in the "feeding frenzy" age .

He showed in the speech a maturity and strength which many of his former Democratic running mates have lacked in Congress in opposition to the Iraq War.

To hear a pundits attempt to criticize the speech was comparable to belittling Martin Luther King's "I have a Dream" speech as rabble rousing.

The real race in the election as a whole is good sense versus fear. Let's hope for the former. Mr. Obama clearly does.

Joe Clancy (electronic mail, March 20, 2008)

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