Archives - Barbara Rich Anticipates Joy next January
June 2008
Letters to the Editor: Barbara Rich Anticipates Joy next January
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It doesn't so state on my calendar, and I doubt it says so on anyone else's, but the year 2008 is one to make any Dem's heart quicken with anticipatory joy. In Barack Obama, we have a candidate for the presidency who will not only restore our country, but the respect and regard of the world. Qualities lost through the past eight years of the despotic, ruinous rule of the Bushies.

And in Virginia, too, we have a fine chance to get rid of the Goodes and the Gilmores --and other war and tax-obsessed pols who mess up and soil our political and physical landscape.

One of the happiest days of my life will come about when I turn on the tube - to MSNBC, naturally - and watch Barack Oblama, super wife at his side, take the oath of office of President of the United States. And I'll knuckle-knock anyone within reach!"

Barbara Rich (June 23, 2008)

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