Archives - Harry Tenney is Against the Stimulus Package
January 2008
Letters to the Editor: Harry Tenney is Against the Stimulus Package
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Most non-political economic experts do not favor a "stimulus" package

First, as in the past, these politically motivated handouts usually arrive about the time the nation is pulling out of the economic downturn. Too little, too late.

Second,with a record deficit already in place, this unfunded "gift" expands an already worrisome debt, that if not troubling Americans, is surely troubling those nations carrying the lion's share of our debt.

Coupled with growing inflation, a weakening dollar, a collapsing economy and grumbling among the creditor nations, any further expansion of our status as the largest debtor nation on the planet could be problematic if any one of our largest creditor nations decide to look elsewhere for more stability and better earnings on their bonds.

The Feds cutting interest rates with the subsequent effect on bond yields will make holding U.S. bonds even less desirable.

As anyone but the most naive already knows, these are not ordinary times. We have an administration burning borrowed money fighting two wars, both of which are endless and disastrous. To the tune of two to three BILLION dollars a week.

Rebates and talk of making the Bush's idiotic tax cuts permanent, have many in the international financial world weary of our senseless fiscal policies....

Putting a few hundred bucks in the pockets of Americans may feel better than scratching a chancy lottery ticket, but I feel the overall, long term consequences will be negative.

My money is on the non-politically motivated experts.

Harry Tenney (Electronic Mail, January 24, 2008)

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