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George, The argument I am hearing from virtually all the candidates is that a precipitous withdrawal from Iraq by U. S. forces would result in chaos and a bloodbath. On the Democratic side, I hear this more from the Clinton campaign than that of the Obama side. It is virtually a mantra on the side of the republicans, with the exception of Ron Paul. John McCain would support the war ad infinitum. This litany of doom reminds me of the warnings we received prior to the United States pullout from Viet Nam in the early nineteen seventies. Certainly there was chaos and disruption, but eventually, the nation righted itself and now is becoming an economic powerhouse in Southeast Asia, with a rising standard of living, and, as the doomsayers forecast, there has been no "Domino Effect" throughout the region. In fact, the biggest predicted threat, Communist China, was, in the early stages of post war Viet Nam, humbled by Viet Nam forces when China attempted incursions into Viet Nam along its northern border. No more My Lais or "free fire zones". The bombing and killing ended, after 55, 000 young Americans were killed, thousands more maimed and wounded, after the United States was divided and at war with itself, billions upon billions of our treasury gone forever ... my thought is, this was a giant net gain for our country and for the Vietnamese people. Now we have a redux in Iraq, the warnings sound familiar as the death and destruction continue, Iraq is now reduced to a geographical spot on a map. The Bush Gang do everything to propagandize and promote this lost cause, joined by a chorus of naysayers of the McCain Doctrine variety. I fully expected Bush to have another "Mission Accomplished" banner behind him when he gave his State of the Union address. Unfortunately, the presidential campaign coming will feature fear mongering, more "Domino Effect" warnings, threats, scare tactics, propaganda and false hopes. At this point in history, the republican party can offer little more. I am hopeful that the Democratic nominee can skillfully inform the American people of the disaster wrought by eight years of Bush and his minions, plus, his useless rubber stamp worshippers in the U. S Congress, the fact that more of the same can be expected with McCain at the helm. Let's just hope Bush/Cheney and their "messianic" beliefs will end on January 20, 2009. Harry Tenney (Electronic mail, February 11, 2008)