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"Normally, UVA professor and political pundit Larry Sabato is the one teaching the Universitys Introduction to American Politics class, but today his students belonged to Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) and her lesson for the day, on the eve of the Virginia Democratic presidential primary, was to take their voting responsibility seriously. Politics is not a game, she warned, before an audience that included some 500 students, plus a traveling press corps that included reporters from such far-flung locales as Japan and Italy. Its not what you see on TV. Its not whos up and whos down, whos in whos out. Thats entertainment. There is a deep desire in our country to get back to believing in our politics. Im running for president because I believe with all my heart that were up to the task. Such was the former First Ladys thesis statement for her 70 minute question-and-answer session with the 500 students assembled, who asked Clinton mostly policy-based questions on everything from how she plans to pay for her universal heath care plan (First of all, I plan to end the war in Iraq, which will save us a lot of money), to the viability of ethanol as a long-term energy solution (It isnt the most efficient option, but its what we have to start), to her stance on the countrys role in the United Nations (Weve got to get the U.N. to function more efficiently, the way its structured is really an anachronism). Occasionally, she drew contrasts between herself and her rival for the Democratic nomination, Sen. Barack Obama (IL). On the issue of health care she said, Economists say my plan will cover everyone in a way thats smart. Thats a big difference between myself and Sen. Obama. Sen. Obama doesnt have a plan for universal heath care. She also took a swipe at the perception of his strong crossover appeal. Were not going to carry Alaska, or North Dakota, or Idaho, she said referring to three red states in which Obama has defeated her in recent Democratic primaries. Finally, she wondered aloud how Obama would hold up when his past is subjected to the Republican machine. There is very little if any new information about me, she said. Its been out there. But the moment that seemed to capture students attention more than any other was when, in response to a question about who was the most influential figure on her political career, she told a story about representing the U.S. at Nelson Mandelas inauguration as president of South Africa. He said, I would like to personally introduce you to three guests of mine, and it was three of his former jailers, she said. He was telling us that in order to move forward, you have to give up your hate and you have to learn to forgive. In previous primaries, exit polls have shown that Obama appeals to college
students far more than Clinton does. Will this visit to Mr. Jeffersons
university stem that tide in tomorrows primary? The numbers will have
the final word when the polls close tomorrow at 7 pm." (Lindsay
Barnes, The Hook, February 14, 2008)