Archives - GLBT Virginia Delegates Sought for Democratic National Convention
February 2008
2008 Race for the White House: GLBT Virginia Delegates Sought for Democratic National Convention
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"The State Democratic Party of Virginia has a target of 6 GLBT delegates to the National Convention. If you are interested in going to the National Democratic Convention in Denver between August 25 and 29 as a GLTB delegate for either Barack Obama or Hilllary Clinton now is the time to let your interest be known. Please note that you must pay for all your own transportation and hotel to the National Convention. It is an expensive venture.

In the next few months each Democratic Congressional District Committee will be holding District Conventions to elect delegates to the National Convention. Competition is very keen, for any and all of these delegate slots. To get a better understanding of the very detailed process please visit the Democratic Party of Virginia webite at and read the state party plan. If you are interested in the Obama delegation your contact within the Obama Campaign is Kevin Wolf at, and in the Clinton campaign is Susan Swecker at Kevin and Susan are the people to contact if you are interested in submitting your name for consideration. Please send either Kevin or Susan an email with your interest, and cc copy to by Monday February 25th.

Within the email outline specifically what you have done for your candidate up through and including the primary election day. Be sure to state your affiliation with your local democratic committee, and congressional district committee as well as your affiliation with Va Partisans. But the most important thing to state is how long you have been a supporter and what you did for the candidate. Please also give me a cc copy if you respond in the affirmative. We want to ensure that we have the full GLBT representation that the state party has allowed.

Thanks very much, Charley Conrad," (Virginia Partisans Gay and Lesbian Democratic Club, electronic mail, February 17, 2008)

Comments? Questions? Write me at