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George, As a 72 year old white woman I, unlike Robin Morgan, choose to support Barack Obama, for I too am moved by the Hope Obama inspires. Hillary's campaign line of having more experience and being ready "to hit the ground running on Day One" is not persuasive. If Hillary wants to convince voters that all her years of being a participant in her husband's political career qualify her as the best candidate then she should take some responsibility for the decision to make gay rights in the military one of President Clinton's first issues. While this was an important issue, I question the wisdom of presenting such a controversial matter so early in his administration. Although Obama doesn't have the years of service in the Senate as Hillary, his decision to return to the inner city community in Chicago rather than take a high paying corporate job (as an outstanding Harvard Law graduate) plus his success in the Illinois legislature are indicative of the kind of leadership Obama can provide as president. Kendra Hamilton has described beautifully Obama's appeal to the best hopes of voters across age, race and gender lines. To that I would add a pragmatic political reason - only Obama has the potential to attract more independent voters, some moderate Republicans and inspire young people to vote. While Hillary would be a competent president, I believe that only Obama can carry the needed Congressional seats with him, especially in the House, that are needed to pass critical legislation. Hillary is a Lightning Rod, Obama is a Guiding Light. His leadership gives people a sense of empowerment as well as Hope. Sallie Kate Park (electronic mail, February 19, 2008)