Archives - Al Weed Comments on 'Street Money'
April 2008
Letters to the Editor: Al Weed Comments on 'Street Money'
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As someone whose campaign paid street money in many of the 5th CD's counties and cities I agree with Donna Goings' desire to see the practice end. Yet, as in much in this District, Charlottesville, Albemarle, Nelson, Fluvanna and very few others have an active election day volunteer ethic very different from the rest. I remember the chairman in a Southside County commenting that a particular candidate for Delegate "couldn't have campaigned in his county since he (the chairman) never saw any walking around money."

One thing the paying of street money perpetuates is the failure to develop the kind of volunteer base found in the north of James. Still, what candidate working to win is going to chance the loss of turnout and votes just to make a point or build something that may pay off way down the road?

Al Weed (Electronic mail, April 14, 2008)

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