Archives - Barbara Rich Blasts Hillary Clinton
April 2008
Letters to the Editor: Barbara Rich Blasts Hillary Clinton
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So many good, loyal, faithful, intelligent Dems - right here in Charlottesville: the bastion of thoughtful liberalism and rational insights (with the exception, of course, of slavering Rob Schilling) - are rooting for Hillary Clinton. The woman who will say anything, do anything, slander anyone in order to return - shameless Bill in tow - to the White House.

Any respect, esteem, acknowledgements of good deeds they have accumulated in the past - all are now but a memory. The two have debased the already sorry state into which politics have fallen. Racism, sexism - any number of "isms" - have been deployed to defame Barack Obama who, in my most despairing moments, often seems too good for this country. Or what is left of this country after close to eight years of George W. Bush.

No, I will not vote for the confused warrior, John McCain, but someone, anyone, please tell me how I can give my allegiance to someone who is almost pathologically addicted to compulsive lying, and shredding the truth, as ruthlessly as she lusts for the presidency.

Barbara Rich (April 26, 2008)

P.S. An invitation: visit my blog: "A Slice of Liberal Tongue on Wry,"

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