Archives - Kim Tingley Comments on Development in Albemarle
September 2007
Letters to the Editor: Kim Tingley Comments on Development in Albemarle
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Are the supervisors who moved to Albemarle before proffers willing to pay a proffer now since they evidently got a free ride?

Why is it that after all these years only now is it perceived that growth does not pay for itself? What about the tax payments that have been paid by owners of vacant property all these years without requiring services? What about all the home purchasers who presently live in the county that got a free ride (if in fact growth does not pay for itself). Our school year is set because we were originally an agrarian economy. Land was taxed because that was where the wealth was. For years it was the owners of vacant land who carried much of the load for the cost of government. How many classroom seats have been already been purchased by owners of vacant land?

I have long been an advocate for homes for the first time homebuyer. However, it is swimming against the tide of local government public policy of more expensive and sprawling housing for our citizens. In Virginia, about half the population growth is attributable the simply the difference between births and deaths. Where are our children to live?

- Clement Kim Tingley (Electronic mail, September 7, 2007)

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