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George, I'm not that thrilled about Hillary, marching in-step with the Bush administration over the Iraq war. Edwards has since regretted his vote and Obama never voted for it, has Hillary really made that much of a point against her own actions? My hope lies with the other remaining two as I see Hillary trying to walk in her husband's footsteps that are hardly the same. If Barrack Obama wants to change the country for the better he has to tackle the major crisis' that are plaguing America since this administration began, health care, the environment, the economy, and this war are the 4 riders that could spell doom for America should we not face their realities. Like America's janitors since Ronald Reagan's defense spending madness and spiraling deficits, once again the Democrats must come in and mop up taking the balme for raising taxes, America's wealthiest still thinks the monies grow on trees and they know Democrats take the fall this way, no more. This HAS to be conquered with vim and vigor, no more waiting for these slugs like Ghouliani or Emitt Romney, they are more of the same, they will go along with the "do nothing policies" whilst we plunder America's draining resources more and throw the U.S. citizen the occasional bone. We need radical change in the face of radical right wing extremism that has handicapped America under her perpetual loss. John Tenney (electronic mail, October 30, 2007)