Archives - Galvin and Kleeman Merit Votes
October 2007
2007 Charlottesville School Board and City Council Races: Galvin and Kleeman Merit Votes
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"We have never had a political sign in our yard until this political season: Kathy Galvin for School Board and Peter Kleeman for City Council.

No candidate has ever had a better slogan than Kathy's, "She does her homework!" For years, she has been an intense student and advocate for the education of our children. If elected, her dedication and appreciation of her role will be awe-inspiring.

Kathy's slogan could apply to Peter Kleeman, too. Often, when we have viewed Charlottesville City Council meetings on TV, among the scattered few in the audience will be Peter. In a fair-minded way, he has been a watchdog of Council. A person with an energized mind, he has many questions and, also, ideas to put forward. His presence would make City Council a more dynamic forum.

We hope that Democratic voters will think independently and consider Peter Kleeman for City Council." (Jim and Rebecca Barns, Letters to the Editor, The Daily Progress, October 31, 2007)

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