Archives - Jan Cornell Derides Legislators on 'Fees'
July 2007
Letters to the Editor: Jan Cornell Derides Legislators on 'Fees'
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They ought to all be ashamed. The Governor, the senators, the delegates. The Republicans. The Democrats. The Independents. For not standing up for us. For the citizens of Virginia. For caving in to the no tax EVER folks. For not making this law public, instead embedding it deep within the transportation bill. A week before the General Assembly was over. For letting a traffic lawyer sponsor the bill. For not standing up and saying to MR. Albo-do ya THINK this might be a SLIGHT conflict of interest??? For so-called tweaking the bill so it was palatable for everyone to vote for. For not even having a public forum to talk about these fees (as they’re calling them, not TAXES of course). For not studying our state constitution and wording the legislation so the out-of-state drivers would be subject to these fines also.

It’s a little bizarre to think that the citizens who put these clowns in office are the ones getting punished and not the ones that blow through our state at 100 miles an hour.

For the press who are cowards. This should have been front page news back in February or March. But they in Richmond, wise old men that they are knew there would be a huge outcry. So it was kept quiet. Til now. After it is all said and done, NOW we find out about it. I found out about it on a local blog. Not from TV. Not from the papers. From a blog.

And of course it made national news. Country laughing at us once AGAIN. The usual friends calling up and asking for the 3rd time why I still live here.

They ought to be ashamed. But then again, if we don’t stand up then they will continue with this behavior. But I fear it is too late now.

But we still have November.

And that folks is our only recourse.

Jan Cornell (Electronic mail, July 9, 2007)

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