Archives - Harry Tenney Endorses John Edwards
February 2007
Letters to the Editor: Harry Tenney Endorses John Edwards
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I second Paul Gaston's support of former senator John Edwards.

Most recently, I saw him on "Meet The Press". As usual, Russert asked the tough questions, and, in my judgement, Edwards answered them with intelligent, thoughtful responses. He is definitely not a sound bite candidate, he takes his time, and carefully explains his reasoning,without sounding doctrinaire or evasive.
It was refreshing.

My only criticism of Edwards harkens back to his 2000 debate with Cheney, when he allowed Cheney to say, "Senator, until you walked onto the stage tonight, I had never met you in my life."

I wish Edwards had said, "Mr Cheney, either you are lying, have an extremely bad memory or you are having a senior moment, maybe all three."

It would have been the Lloyd Bentsen-Dan Quayle equivalent of the 1988 debate in Omaha referred to by the Washington Post as a "polemical flick of steel that drew blood in the 1988 vice-presidential debate, ("Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy").

My money is on Edwards.

Harry Tenney (electronic mail, February 9, 2007)

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