Archives - Joe Clancy Endorses John Edwards
February 2007
Letters to the Editor: Joe Clancy Endorses John Edwards
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Edwards candidacy is a serious one on several levels. I was initially more taken with a different candidate, but if you begin to line-up criteria Edwards scores high on almost all counts.

He may be the most difficult candidate for the GOP to mount an offensive against. Ms. Clinton, while brilliant, is dogged by progressives for her initial vote for the war. Mr. Obama's is a thrilling candidacy to consider and hope for, but he cannot escape his youth. Mr. Edwards is less polarizing in his identity and can therefore afford to be more progressive on the positions he takes.

He has the seasoning of the last election under his belt. He comes from the South - historically good for Democrats. Most importantly, he is staking his Presidency at the heart of where the GOP is most vulnerable - it's disregard for the lower and middle class citizens of America. His message will carry far and be hard for Party built on tax relief for the wealthy to run from.

Joe Clancy (electronic mail, February 9, 2007)

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