Archives - Sally Kate Park Touts Obama - Richardson
August 2007
Letters to the Editor: Sally Kate Park Touts Obama - Richardson
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If Sen. [John] Warner does not run again, I'd like to see Gov. [Mark] Warner run for senate, with Sen. Webb staying in the Senate giving Virginia two Democrats.

For president, I like Obama with Gov. Richardson as VP - that gives us the southwest & middle America, a black & a Hispanic. Obama has had as much government experience as GW had when he first ran for president. Obama is intelligent, has terrific grassroots (ie. voter) appeal. He could have had a high paying job on Wall street right out of Harvard Law School but chose to go back to his home territory to do community work. He earned respect in the Illinois legislature from both sides of the aisle and I think he can help heal our nation and regain world respect.

As to his alleged lack of international experience, Gov. Richardson will add to the executive branch with his extensive international background; his work as governor will help on the home front as well.

Sallie Kate Park" (Electronic mail, August 2, 2007)

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