Archives - Harry Tenney Comments on George Allen's Record on Race
September 2006
Letters to the Editor: Harry Tenney Comments on George Allen's Record on Race
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If "macaca"* was Allen's first tilt toward overt racism we might find reason to forgive it as a "day he was tired".... From his days as a "latter date" Confederate writing racial slurs on the Palos Verdes High School walls to his refusal to honor Martin Luther King, by vetoing a day in honor of the civil rights leader, refusing a Charlottesville "macaca", the late Grace Tinsley's goal of a getting a public defender's office in C-Ville, (he vetoed if four times).....Allen was more interested in honoring those who rose up against the Union,than honoring the resulting Union known as the United States of America.

His noose IN A TREE, his "flag collection" ... the list goes on.

Separate issue, Allen was against the admission of female cadets to the Virginia Military Institute, but takes exception to Jim Webb's questioning the role of women in combat.

Too bad Webb didn't take a stand against the role of any human being in combat!

I just hope Jim Webb doesn't try to play "nice guy" with Allen in the debates, Allen will interpret kindness as weakness and go for the jugular.

Stay tuned, the "Swift Boating" will soon air.

Harry Tenney (electronic mail, September 16, 2006)

* French friends familiar with French Tunisians, tell me "macaca" was commonly used by the colonialists as a racial slur toward dark skinned Africans, generally. Akin to the "N" word in the U.S.....Allen's mother was French living in Tunisia.

Editor's Note: An index to coverage of George Allen on the Loper website may be found at

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