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"In case you havent been paying attention, here are a few things that Virginias Republican Senator George Allen has done over the past few weeks: held an Ethnic Rally, where he met with constituents of every available race, creed and color; delivered remarks at a National Historically Black Colleges and Universities luncheon, where he discussed how his recent civil rights pilgrimages to the deep South had given him a much deeper understanding of [the Souths] cold-hearted history; prominently touted the endorsement of State Sen. Benjamin J. Lambert, a black Democrat, on his website; and released a statement embracing his Jewish heritage. If youve been on an extended, TV-and-cell-phone-free camping expedition, this probably all comes as quite a shock. This is, after all, the same George Allen who reportedly hung a noose from a ficus tree in his Charlottesville law office and prominently displayed a Confederate flag in a cabin near his Earlysville home (it was part of a collection of flags, he claimedalthough The Daily Progress Bob Gibson quoted a pair of officials who recalled only two flags: a Confederate flag and, on an opposite wall, an American flag). In addition, as a member of the Virginia House of Delegates, Allen opposed a state holiday honoring Martin Luther King and, after being elected governor in 1993, proclaimed April to be Confederate History and Heritage Month, honoring the Confederacys four-year struggle for independence and sovereign rights. But all of that was before Senator Allen, feeling his oats at an early-August outdoor rally in Breaks, Virginia, delivered a single off-the-cuff remark directly into the video camera of S.R. Sidarth, a UVA student of Indian descent who was taping the rally for Allens opponent, Democrat James Webb. There are, basically, three campaign missteps a politician seeks to avoid at all costs. The first is caused by organizational failureusually when the campaign team throws their candidate into a situation that produces images of a highly embarrassing nature. (Remember Michael Dukakis tooling around in a giant tank, his tiny little head swallowed up by his big-boys helmet?) The second involves a verbal gaffe or display of weakness, usually spawned by the rigors of nonstop campaigning. Democratic hopeful Ed Muskies tearful 72 speech defending himself against charges of racism and John Kerrys forehead-slapping I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it sound bite are prime examples of what can go wrong when emotion and exhaustion overtakes a candidates common sense. But the third type of blunder can be the most damaging of all. It comes about when an apparently lucid, completely unscripted candidate blurts out something so wrongheaded and offensive, even their most ardent backers are at a loss to explain it. From Jesse Jackson calling New York Hymietown in an 84 interview to Senator Trent Lott proclaiming that, had segregationist Strom Thurmonds 1948 presidential campaign been successful, we wouldnt have had all these problems over all these years, pols have repeatedly found this particular strain of foot-in-mouth disease to be politically deadly. Which is why the campaign of Senator George Allen is in such a frenzy to quash the ongoing controversy created by his extemporaneous remarks on that August day. This fellow over here with the yellow shirt, the senator began, smiling generously, Macaca, or whatever his name is. Hes with my opponent. Hes following us around everywhere. And its just great. After pointing out that Webb was currently in California, attending a fundraiser with a bunch of Hollywood movie moguls, Allen once again addressed Sidarth directly: Lets give a welcome to Macaca, here. Welcome to America, and the real world of Virginia. As has been repeatedly noted since the tape became public, Sidarth was born and raised in Fairfax County, and his parents currently live in Dunn Loring. If a gaffe is, as Michael Kinsley famously defined it, when a politician tells the truth, this one was a doozy. Despite Allens repeated denials (Its just made up a made-up word, he recently insisted on Meet the Press, and has claimed that he was simply riffing on the word mohawk, because of Sidarths mullet-like haircut), his pointed use of the same word twice lead many to suspect that he knew exactly what he was saying. But what was he saying, exactly? Well, Macaca is French, derived from the Portuguese macaco, and refers to a genus of short-tailed monkeys. Its plural, macaque, is also used as a racially charged insult in French-influenced African nations, such as Tunisia. As has also been widely reported, Allens mother, Etty, was raised in Tunisia, and spoke five languages, including French, around the Allen householda fact that Allen has mentioned repeatedly. And, as it turns out, the slur is not nearly as rare or obscure as the Allen campaign might claim. Sidarth himself, in an online interview at ABDCLady.com, says that it wasnt his first exposure to the term. Id heard it when I was studying in Spain last fall, he told the site. Not directed towards me, but Id heard the term used. In addition, Jeffrey Feldmanwho publishes his frameshop diaries on left-wing blog Daily Koshas found numerous instances of the word macaque being used by white supremacists to refer disparagingly to African-Americans on hate sites like stormfront.org, years before the current controversy erupted. And this is where the Allen tale really goes off the rails. When, at a recent Tysons Corner debate, Allen was asked by WUSA TV reporter Peggy Fox whether he could have possibly heard the term growing up, he bristled. When Fox followed up by asking about his mothers religious heritage (Allens Jewish grandfather, Felix Lumbroso, was imprisoned by the Nazis during the German occupation of Tunis), he positively seethed. Why is that relevant? he shot back. When Fox answered, Honesty, thats all, Allen mocked her savagely. Oh, thats all? Thats just all? As it turned out, that was just all. Although Allen claimed ignorance ( she was, as far as I know, raised as a Christian), the following Thursdays Washington Post reported that his mother had actually revealed her Jewish heritage to him in late August. By this point, George Allens story has become so convoluted and incoherent, it seems like his tobacco-chewin good ol boy persona might be damaged beyond repair. While he continues to try to joke his way through the political thicket (speaking with the Richmond Times-Dispatch, Allen called his Jewish roots just an interesting nuance to my background, and quipped, I still had a ham sandwich for lunch. And my mother made great pork chops), most folks arent laughing. In fact, its no longer just the ill-advised use of a single, obscure racial epithet that Allen has to worry about. Yes, his Macaca jab was damaging, but its all of the subsequent fumbling and mistruths that may finally push Allens carefully calibrated political angle of repose past its tipping point, and drop Virginias once-invincible senatorand highly touted 2008 presidential hopefulinto the political scrap heap." (Dan Catalano, C-Ville Weekly, September 28, 2006) Editor's Note: An index to coverage of George Allen on the Loper
website may be found at http://loper.org/~george/archives/2006/Aug/925.html