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"Suffice it to say that, when political giant-killer Dick Wadhams (the engineer behind John Thunes upset win over Tom Daschle in 2002) took the reigns of George Allens 2006 re-election campaign, he was expecting a far different race than the one he got. Known for his blunt, take-no-prisoners style and willingness to go on the attack, Wadhams has been forced by circumstances (hint: macaca) to retool the senators campaignmuting Allen, while increasing the profile of his well-liked wife, Susan. As the campaign enters the homestretch, we quizzed him about the state of play. C-VILLE: Most polls have Allen ahead, at least by a few points. Are
you comfortable with your position going into the final weeks? A recently leaked National Republican Congressional Committee internal
document describes the Virginia Senate race as Leaning Republican;
if theres a wave, [Allen] could be in trouble. Do you think
a Democratic wave is likely this cycle? How do you think the widespread reporting of Allens macaca
comment affected his electoral chances? It seems like, in some quarters,
theres been a sympathetic backlash against the saturation coverage. Earlier this year, there was all kinds of talk about George Allen
running for president in 2008. Do you think thats still a likely scenario? Editor's Note: An index to coverage of George Allen on the Loper
website may be found at http://loper.org/~george/archives/2006/Aug/925.html