Archives - Donna Goings Says She's Willing to Change Her Vote
May 2006
Letters to the Editor: Donna Goings Says She's Willing to Change Her Vote
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I am a Bern Ewert delegate to the convention tomorrow. If I had been convinced that Al Weed would be a stronger candidate between my election and the convention, I would have switched. The party plan does not bind delegates. I continue to believe that Mr. Ewert will be the stronger condidate in a very conservative district. I am surprised that some have chosen to attack Bern for continuing to seek to get the nomination. This is part of the political process of our democracy. Many are not familiar with the "state party plan" because it is unusual for us to have 2 good democrats willing to run.

I look forward to the speeches and the vote tomorrow. Maybe something will transpire to change my mind!

Donna Goings (electronic mail, May 19, 2006)

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