Archives - Jeff Fracher Touts Jim Webb for Senate
May 2006
Letters to the Editor: Jeff Fracher Touts Jim Webb for Senate
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I am supporting Jim Webb as the best candidate to take on George Allen and "knock his soft teeth down in whiny throat" in November. Webb's military background trumps any GOP advantage on national security that Allen brings to the table. He also is independent enough to appeal to Democrats, Independents and disaffected Republicans, a necessary mix to win the seat. What we don't need is a candidate who is an inside-the-beltway lobbyist who the GOP attack machine will shred, giving Allen the senate seat again from which he can run for president. If Allen loses in November, his presidential hopes are dashed.

So what if Webb does not pass the party purity test on every single issue? He is still the best guy to beat the self-invented, George Bush-clone, snuff dipping, faux cowboy that we now have in the Senate. I urge all Democrats to make the pragmatic choice and support Jim Webb as the guy to send George Allen packing.

Jeff Fracher (electronic mail, May 24, 2006)

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