Archives - Nancy Damon Endorses Jim Webb
June 2006
Letters to the Editor: Nancy Damon Endorses Jim Webb
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I am lending my voice to those who are supporting Jim Webb in his run against George Allen for the Senate.

Several weeks ago, I heard Jim Webb speak at the University of Virginia. I was impressed with his platform and his presence. He has had national experience, working in the Senate and as Secretary of the Navy. He has been a journalist and a novelist, which I find particularly interesting--having done other things in life in addition to political work.

He spoke out for restoring social and moral justice, and restoring the balance of power in the national government. He wrote in the Washington Post against going into Iraq before the government did.

I realize that any politician can SAY anything, as a candidate. However, it is still important to me that candidates speak to the issues that are truly important to the lives of the vast majority of the people of the country. He fielded a number of difficult questions without waffling or flinching.

The fact that Leslie Byrne is supporting him makes me confident that he is strong on women's rights.

He has the kind of confident, formidable presence we need in fighting against the slickness of George Allen. And as for him having been a Republican--well, that is something terrific about someone having been there and having seen the light! It takes a lot of courage to change.
Let's hope he can change the face of the Senate by adding one more Democratic voice in November.

Nancy Coble Damon (electronic mail, June 10, 2006)

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