Archives - Terri DiCintio Says Joe Lieberman's No Liberal
July 2006
Letters to the Editor: Terri DiCintio Says Joe Lieberman's No Liberal
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In an email to this website's list last Friday, one item read as follows:

Senator Joe Lieberman is in a battle with a challenger in the Democratic primary in Connecticut – see --over his support for the administration’s Iraq war. Where do you stand? Lieberman has been a stalwart liberal voice in the Senate, and was a reasonably popular choice as Al Gore's VP candidate. Is his support for the war grounds for dismissal? Send your thoughts to, where the most representative will be published with full attribution.

Here's one response:


There are many good things to say about Joe Liberman - and perhaps some not so good things - but one thing he is not is a stalwart liberal!

Terri (electronic mail, July 9, 2006)

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