Re: Lieberman. I have followed Connecticut politics ever since I was
a Democratic Registrar of Voters (many, many years ago) in the little town
where I now only spend summers. Joe Lieberman has irritated most of my Democratic
friends for years. The only one I know who has supported Lieberman worked
for him when he was Attorney-General and was the one who spoke for him at
your Democratic breakfast before the 2004 election. I just read Myerson's
column in the Post and he is right on target.
Of interest to me is that a high school friend who is a Republican Registrar
of voters in a small town in Fairfield County said she would vote for Lieberman
over the Republican candidate. I am glad we don't have a three way race
in Virginia (we don't do we?!)
Wayne Harbaugh (electronic mail, July 12, 2006)