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"If you think President Bushs invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq are not about oil, read bestseller The Sorrows of Empire by Chalmers Johnson. The book asserts oil has been a constant motive driving the vast expansion of bases in the Persian Gulf in Bahrain, Egypt, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and UAR. A major consideration for invading Afghanistan in 2001, Johnson writes, was to bring to power a regime favoring the oil and gas pipelines the U.S. sought running from Turkmenistan south through Afghanistan to the Arabian Sea coast of Pakistan. Because Afghanistans Taliban regime opposed the U.S.- backed venture, its overthrow became the secret reason behind the war on terrorism, Johnson claims. The proposed $2-billion, 918-mile natural gas pipeline and a $4-billion 1,005-mile oil pipeline was sought by Union Oil Co. of California. It needed a government in Kabul it could deal with in obtaining transit rights. Thus, Johnson writes, A remarkable group of Washington insiders came together to promote the Unocal project:
It should be recalled, Johnson writes, Khalilzad joined NSC on May 23, 2001, just in time to work on an operational order for an attack on Afghanistan. Johnson writes it would appear that the attacks of September 11 provided an opportunity for the United States to act unilaterally to remove the Taliban, without assistance from Russia, India, or any other country. The Taliban collapsed when the CIA spread $70-million in cash among the Tajik and Uzbek warlords and backed their attacks with massive air power. With astonishing speed, Johnson notes, the Pentagon got the rights to Afghanistan air bases at Mazar-i-Sharif in the north, Bagram, near Kabul, and Kandahar in the South. It also got the right from President Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan to take over his Air Force bases at Jacobabad, Pasni, and Dalbandin. And it negotiated long-term leases with Kyrgyzstan for Manas International Airport, and with Uzbekistan for Khanabad. President Bush claimed he invaded to bring democracy, yet he invited to the White House Central Asian dictators having hopeless human rights records, Johnson notes, one of the worst being President Islam Karimov of Uzbekistan. Johnson also tells how top U.S. officials backed a Chevron pipeline from Kazakhstans Tengiz oil field across the Caspian Sea to Baku, then to the Russian Black Sea port of Novorossiisk. Investors, though, feared possible sabotage in Chechnya and Dagestan. Its backers, Johnson says, reads like a whos who of Republican oil politicians.
Does Johnsons book mean the horrors befalling Afghanistan and Iraq are about oil? Is it possible the above fraternity of high-priced oil company consultants and influence peddlers, once their man entered the White House, unleashed wars of aggression for regime change to pave the road for the oil firm favorites? Could be this is just a conspiracy theory. But if Kissinger, Brzezinski, Cheney, Rice, Armitage, Scowcroft, Baker, Haig, Oakley, Karzai, and Khalilzad were to develop a sudden interest in harvesting Brazil nuts, somebody should warn President Lula Da Silva! Sherwood Ross (electronic mail, July 29, 2006)