Archives - Cory Hernandez Touts James Webb for Senate
January 2006
Letters to the Editor: Cory Hernandez Touts James Webb for Senate
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[I am] Corey Hernandez from the Isle of Wight County Democratic Committee. I and other Democratic and Progressive activists from across the state have started a pledge drive to draft Democrat James Webb to run against Republican Senator George Allen. We firmly believe James Webb is THE candidate that can defeat Allen this year. Webb is a true Progressive, has a stellar military record and has been speaking out against the Iraq war on pragmatic and non-ideological grounds since 2002 when he publicly asked "Do we really want to occupy Iraq for the next 30 years?"

Please visit to read more and sign our pledge form. .... You can also read Greg Priddy's article on the effort on Talking Points Memo Café. I believe we CAN make the Virginia Senate race competitive this year, and it starts with James Webb.

Corey Hernandez (electronic mail, January 2, 2006)

Comments? Questions? Write me at