year it was the so-called droopy- drawers bill that would have required
kids to pull up their pants. This year, the I-cant-believe-he-did-that
bill is the Home Serenity and Tranquility Act, proposed by Del.
Robert Hull (D-Falls Church).
Hull apparently introduced the bill at the request of one suburban family
who wanted legislators to silence the sounds of children playing near their
home. The bill would prohibit the use of athletic fields before 8am and
after 6pm, and on Sundays, without the unanimous written consent of
the affected homeowners within 65 yards of the field. Its
the bad bill of the year, says Charlottesville Dele-gate David Toscano.
As written, the bill would have made it almost impossible for children
to play organized sports, even on public fields paid for by taxpayers. Not
surprisingly, angry letters from soccer moms (and, to a lesser extent, the
Frisbee dog lobby) poured into the General Assembly from across the Common-wealthso
many that even Hull himself was forced to say he had put the bill in by
request and did not necessarily support it, either, according to The
Daily Progress." (John Borgmeyer, C-Ville Weekly, January 28, 2006)