Archives - Harry Tenney Comments on the Bush Administration and the ISG Report
December 2006
Letters to the Editor: Harry Tenney Comments on the Bush Administration and the ISG Report
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Apparently, the Iraqi Study Group report has been relegated to second class status by the Bush Gang... they await other reports, hopefully, those that will rubber stamp their madness.

It is delusion carried to new heights!

A variation on "the light at the end of the tunnel" syndrome prevails and the self deception includes the belief that the majority shia in Iraq will have our goals in the "democratization" process and be with us cheek by jowl.

Recall, in the early few weeks of the war a city by the name of Nasiriya... The self deception engendered in the troops by the "leadership" was Nasiriya, being predominantly Shiite, would be with us all the way..... Unfortunately, it turned out to be a monstrous mistake, the concept of an invasionary force coupled with a strong sense of nationalism, overrode any belief that the US and the "coalition" forces where there to take Saddam's boot off their collective necks... it was a very bloody battle with a large loss of life, many seriously wounded, several captured.including Jessica Lynch (remember her?)

In addition to all the lies and distortions used to deceive the weak on the inevitable road to Bush's War....once again, the Administration actually believes this war can be "won" and they are cobbling together a new propaganda campaign, that has within it the belief that the Shiites will join forces with the "infidels" to drive out the insurgents and their evil brethren spawned by Saddam. Leaders of the shiia majority, especially Moqtada al-Sadr and his huge militia, hate the Americans on a greater level than they hate the Sunni is also telling the US where to go, and it was forcefully demonstrated by his cancelling a scheduled meeting with Bush... I think that says much about how reliable the Shiites will be in supporting the ongoing Bush looniness.

I suggest our forces watch their backs.

Harry Tenney (electronic mail, December 7, 2006)

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